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Physical Exams Specialist

Comprehensive Internal Medicine & Cardiology Associates of Huntington

Cardiology & Internal Medicine located in Huntington, NY

Physical exams combine primary and preventive care to give you comprehensive medical care. At Comprehensive Internal Medicine & Cardiology Associates of Huntington, the team of primary care and cardiology specialists combines their wide-ranging expertise to offer complete physical exams at their Huntington, New York, office. Schedule an appointment today with the provided link or call the office.

Physical Exams Q & A

What are physical exams?

Physical exams check your full-body health and wellness. These exams usually include:

  • Overall health assessment
  • Screenings for possible health problems
  • Diagnosis of new health problems
  • Disease support, like hypertension and diabetes management
  • Immunizations as needed
  • Discussions of diet, exercise, and lifestyle

The primary focus of physical exams at Comprehensive Internal Medicine & Cardiology Associates of Huntington is to prevent illness and disease. The experienced physicians there know that taking early action can head off many health problems. That said, they can also help you with ongoing health concerns already past the point of being prevented.

What preventive screenings do I need during physical exams?

Comprehensive Internal Medicine & Cardiology Associates of Huntington offers thorough health screenings for adults. Which screenings you need will depend on your age, disease risk factors, and existing health problems.

Standard screenings include blood tests, which check for problems like high cholesterol, and cardiovascular screenings, like echocardiograms, to check for heart disease and other heart problems.

Preventive screenings can detect disease very early, even before you have any symptoms or problems. With some diseases, like diabetes, the changes in your body can start years before you actually show physical symptoms.

Cardiovascular screenings are particularly important because heart disease is linked to about 25% of all deaths. It kills more adults than any other disease. But screenings can prevent and lead to the treatment of heart disease before it puts your life at risk.

How often do I need physical exams?

The Comprehensive Internal Medicine & Cardiology Associates of Huntington team recommends annual physical exams for most adults. If you have a history of serious health problems or are being treated for heart disease or other illnesses, you'll need to be examined more often.

The team understands that you want to spend most of your time living an active life rather than in medical offices or hospitals. That's why they incorporate primary and preventive care services into your physical exams. This saves you time and money.

Physical exams provide you with the health support you need right away. They also allow you to take steps to avoid severe complications down the line.

Book your physical exam by calling Comprehensive Internal Medicine & Cardiology Associates of Huntington today or clicking on the online scheduling tool.